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AR application Zettek

An augmented reality application for Apple iOS and Android devices was developed for ZetTek, a manufacturer of hygiene products. When you point your phone camera at the product packaging, you can fight magic microbes, and from the product catalog you can learn about the unique properties of the products manufactured by the company
MR quest for the M.A. Bulgakov Museum in Moscow
Application-quest Riddles of the cat Behemoth  for mixed reality with glasses  Microsoft HoloLence1. K from meets museum visitors with questions and riddles, entertains with conversations. cat  understands only Russian  language! 
VR tour Izobretarium  in Reutov


Sightseeing tour of the children's technopark in the application  virtual reality for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift glasses. Visitors get acquainted  with opportunities  and equipment of the Izobretarium
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